Thank You for considering making a Donation
Help us reach our fund raising goal for the upcoming Federal election. Every dollar helps build the HAP profile and connects us with individuals who align with our values.
Thank you
The ability of the Health Australia Party to produce materials to send to Members and Friends, to pay for postage, to cover internet and IT charges, etc. depends on the support of many Australians who choose to financially assist us. We do not have access to the large donors who back Labor, the Liberal/Nationals or the Greens,
By donating to the Health Australia Party you are making a direct contribution to the Health Australia Party’s campaign to contest seats in coming State and Federal elections.
Donations by individuals to registered political parties of between $2 and $1,500 in a financial year are tax deductible.
You can donate online now or alternatively you can send a cheque, together with your name and address, made payable to the Health Australia Party (PO BOX 695, Gisborne, Vic, 3437).
Amounts received by the Health Australia Party of more than $13,000 in the 2015-16 financial year (and $12,800 in 2014-15) will be subject to disclosure under the provisions of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918.
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